Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Taking care of your hair and looks

There is more to than just using creams and cosmetics to treat or hide imperfections. Your skin and hair need care, attention and above all time vested to maintain and sustain their health levels. Seeking consultation of a dermatologist and cosmetologist for major skin and hair related concerns become imperative if the ailment requires added treatment, however, with minor or mild concerns, you can work on home-made or over-the-counter remedies to prevent the condition from aggravating further. Any concern that hinders your health needs a holistic counteractive approach from the inside out.

According to experts, a well-structured balanced approach to your lifestyle and diet is essential. This means using natural remedial approaches that include nutrient intake sourced from vegetables and meats and adherence to a daily regime with the use of cleansers, toners and sunscreens to fairness creams and body lotion to trap moisture and retain suppleness and firmness.

The use of a natural herbal based shampoo, every second day, and a conditioner in a week, helps to retain the lost lustre and shine. Since centuries, our appearance has been regarded as our source of beauty. Hair texture differs from people to people. For some, the texture is dry and for others it is oily. This highlights the need to tackle the concern individually.

If dry the treatment requires gentle warm hair oil massage twice a week for deep scalp nourishment. And if oily, ensure to use a good shampoo comprising of healing elements like henna and neem, thrice a week, as oily hair tends to attract dirt faster.  Get professional head massage using herbal-based non-sticky hair oil. This will encourage growth and help maintain health.

Blindly using products which promise to transform your looks in a matter of a few weeks is a far-fetched claim. We are aware of the fundamentals for skin and hair care which means taking note of your skin type and texture type is important. A natural glowing complexion and lustrous locks add to our elegance and attractiveness. This makes it imperative that we take extra care of these.

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